Thursday, October 17, 2013

The town of San Miguel de Allende is ALL Abuzz!

Everyone on the streets, as seen above, are talking about the fact that Conde' Nast has named San Miguel de Allende the Number One City in the WORLD!

It's hard to believe since we are a little village that one can walk from side to side in about 30 minutes as opposed to Paris or Rome or some of the other places in the Top 10.  To say the town is abuzz and astonished is an understatement.

If you want to read the article, please go to

Add to all THAT excitement,  saw a preview of the November 2013 article on the Mexican highlands today with extraordinary photos of Guanajuato, Atotonilco and San Miguel de Allende. 

I'm certainly looking forward to reading the article. I've tried and tried to post the website address of the site to see the photos but I can't get it to work.  I guess its best to wait for the issue to come out, buy it and enjoy.

Just thought you might like to know and enjoy all the accolades with us! 
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Steve Cotton said...

City? I guess the category is flexible. Like the people who call the parroquia a cathedral.

Shannon said...

Felicidades San Miguel de Allende!!!

Gin said...

But darling, there goes the neighborhood, lol. Just think of all those tourist types flooding your village and wanting to move there. Better it stay unknown.

Babs said...

Gin, I think the "cat has been out of the bag" since the mid 50's, but somehow keeps surviving..........thankfully.