Saturday, April 28, 2012

A 90th Birthday Celebration for "Old Joe"

known him since I arrived in San Miguel.  He would walk briskly into the jardin after working out daily.  Always with a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face.  It's still there.  "Old Joe".  About twenty-five of us gathered on Wednesday along with his lovely wife Alice who is 80 to celebrate.  I wouldn't have missed it for the world.  In the party of gatherers was Ollie who is 94 and still plays golf twice a week.  Old Joe still works out daily.

Sharp as a tack, he always has a quip or a fun conversation.  He is notorious for LOVING Girl Scout cookies.  Every year I try to bring some back for him from the granddaughters who are Girl Scouts.  For a couple of years Joe was ill and we all thought he might not make it.  So I would give him the cookies, not sell them to him.  Finally after a few years I said, "Joe, you're going to outlive me and you have to pay for your cookies again."  He thought that was hysterically funny.

Even the owner of the restaurant was there to bring the cake to Joe.  The owner's son was mesmerized watching the whole thing.  Candles that kept relighting after he blew them out had us all laughing.  The little boy couldn't at first figure it out.

The little boy was confused at why the candles kept relighting.

Then, when he realized it was a joke, he was smiling just like his Dad.  I love how the whole Mexican family is included in things like this.  It made my day..........and "Old Joe's" too.  Here's to you old man.  May you live on forever.  You will - with all of us.  You enrich our lives.
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