In thinking about all the Halloweens I've experienced and the costumes I've worn, I started giggling. One year when I was in my forties, I encouraged everyone who worked for me in a Fortune 500 company, to dress up. I went as Miss Piggy. I had the boa and the long cigarette holder. The whole deal. I was driving a Datsun 280ZX at the time and lived south of Houston.
This necessitated me driving up the freeway to my office. It was hysterically funny to see people's reactions to my costume as I drove up the freeway. What fun we all had that day.
I have pictures somewhere but don't feel like digging all that out. Maybe next year.
Then there was a party a few years ago here in San Miguel. In talking with friends there was concern because we didn't really have the makings of costumes at the last minute. Someone suggested that we use sheets and go as the "Sheet Family". Well we did - Bill went as "bull sheet", Fay went as "No sheet" and I went as "Hot sheet". OMG, did we have fun. I have photos of that escapade too. Maybe next year.
Happy Halloween from someone whose inner child loves being out on a night like tonight.
For me, it is another opportunity to get together with people. The process matters not.
I picked you out of the group immediately! Looks just like you.
From another lifelong lover of Halloween, I wish you a very Happy Halloween. I'm looking forward to seeing your Halloween pics next year.
One year I had no costume so I merely put a little red book in my pocket and went as a communist.
My friends didn't appreciate the lack of effort but 30 years latter it is the one costume they remember.
If you could be anything, anyone, this year...in theory...what/who would you be.
No limits.
It use to be loads of fun! Life seemed a lot simpler then (in the old days) when a 25cent seltzer bottle would make loads of fun squirting the younger kids....
seltzer bottle, am I dating myself?
Looking forward to those pix!
Good grief Tina - I STILL look the same? Yikes.
Leslie and Tancho - I'll look for those photos - they ARE funny.
Rick - I think that is brilliant!
Deb - That is a very interesting question.....hmmm, have no idea. I'll get back to you on that, ok?
Hope you had fun...I love Halloween more than Christmas and always look forward to it. I remember when I was growing up, we created our costumes and so did my own children. One year my daughter wanted to be a cloud, another year a lemon (was this a statement I now wonder?). Somehow we managed to pull it off. Now the kids seem to appear in Wal-Mart's special.
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