Friday, January 04, 2008


I don't know who Jack is.........but he sent me a delightful gift this morning to enjoy with my coffee. He had written a comment on the blog I wrote a while back about MM Cinemas and he told me that he had a photo of it. So I went to and voila there it was..........BUT of course my curiosity got the better of me and I saw he had lots of photos of San Miguel and Guanajuato so I watched his slide show. Enchanting! It is always so great to see what other people feel is worth photographing in this village that is so photographic. His work did not disappoint, at all. I loved his street scenes and the shot he got of the Parroquia peeking between the corner shops as he came up Reloj - superb.
Thanks Jack for a gift from someone I don't even know!

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