Thursday, June 24, 2010

Words of Wisdom....from Velcro the Cat


"Hey guys and gals! When it gets to be too much - like the news, the traffic, the weather or the bills, just prop your feet up, cover your eyes and SIESTA. It's the solution for everything. AT least I think so........."
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Matthew Smith said...

You are a very wise cat Velcro. I know you must be happy now that your human friend is home. Keep her in line. I lost my cat friend a month ago. I miss her very much. I am in the middle of a house remodel right now so I will wait until it is done to get a new furry friend. Jan in Mississippi

Babs said...

Jan - she tries HARD to keep me in line, but it is a herculean task!
BTW, where are you in Mississippi? said...

Sweet Velcro must be a very happy cat to have you home...doesn't Velcro look a lot like Peanut?

1st Mate said...

Hey, he even matches your coloring, Babs! Definitely suits you.

Matthew Smith said...

Babs, I replied to your comment through email or so I thought. Did you get it? If not let me know and I will write again. Jan

Babs said...

No I didn't- it's