This woman is always walking around in centro. Her claim to fame is that she was in one of the Antonio Banderas movies filmed here in the last 8 - 10 years. She seems always to have flowers. Once I took her photo carrying a massive bouquet of poinsettas. I can't find that photo. But, when I begin to look at my digital library, I always stop at this one. I love her face. I love her proud bearing. Isn't she magnificently beautiful?

While in Mineral de Pozos last spring, as I was leaving town with friends, I saw this man walking on the main street. As he paused, I asked my friends to stop as I fumbled for my camera. It was April or May. Hotter then hell. Yet he had on this heavy jacket and hat. I love the juxtaposition of the man with the boulders that once formed the wall of some building. I so wish, I knew the life story of both of these people.
I bet it would be fascinating.
Great shots, especially the woman.
"digital library"
my, my, look how far you have come in such a short time. LOL
The nice woman with the beautiful flowers was in a Ford commercial--perhaps thirty years ago.
She happened to be walking in the backgound.... The filming required several takes, and she patiently walked through each take. Once the filming was completed she was ignored by the director--not even a "gracias".
Thanks Felipe. Yes Billie, I'm slowly learning......and Glenn, sad and interesting information.
Love the smiling face on the woman. So how is Pozos?
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