Today the electricity was off for almost 7 hours..........I try to treat these escapades as just that, "escapades". I was on the computer this morning checking emails when everything just went off. Usually it comes back on in a few minutes - but, not today. So I busied myself with other things - catching up on some reading, a long leisurely shower to cool off since there were no ceiling fans, and a few other things. Then about 3 hours into this "escapade" I thought, "Hmmm, wonder if it's just my house that is out, I better try to call and see" So I did call and after about 10 rings a man answered and in Spanish I told him my situation and of course he replied in machine gun speed and there I stood........I apologized for my "muy mal Espanol" to which they always say politely "no no Senora es ok" but I still didn't know anything so I move on in the day with faith that it will be fixed. I left for a couple of hours and came home fully expecting electricity..........nope, not yet and then I decided it might be a lengthy siege so I gathered candles for the evening. I was amazed at my calmness and patience - wish I had always been this way in life! So I settle down to read a couple of business magazines, resigned to the fact that I will miss my favorite TV program at 6PM and voila, ELECTRICITY!
All in a day in Mexico!
That doesn't just happen in happens here sometimes in the summer when we have brownouts. We will try to arrange to have the lights on when you come. Hurry, hurry!
....and this was a horrendous experience? I can't believe I'm wasting my time (being new to blogs) listenening to this shit. Thought this was supposed to be educational,ha,ha.
My goodness, I wonder if Cathy stays up at night looking for ways to be rude or if she was born that way. Oh well, as my grandmother said, dealing with the public is a good education. But I bet you already knew that.
Thank you Christine, I was shocked at that comment also! I grew up with the thought that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!
Well, rest assured you have a large secret following that checks in regularly to see how you are doing and and loves you (and your wonderful photogaraphy) even if we aren't always commenting. Christine
Aaah, Christine, you've made my day!
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