Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Art Cars on My Mind

When I first moved to San Miguel there were a couple of cars that qualified, in my mind, as art cars.  One was a car with a luggage rack on top that had cacti growing up there.  The guy who drove it around town was a character then and is still a character.  It takes a certain kind of person to have the audacity and fun spirit to do this.

Then the other one sat on Hidalgo most of the time near Harry's.  At that point Harry's was the local watering hole for all things expat.  Heck, now that I think about it, even though they have changed the name to Hank's, it STILL is the local watering hole for expats!  Anyway, there was an art car that was all painted up.  Never saw it riding around town though.  Sadly I don't have photos of either of those two cars.

Last week, after leaving the Primavera Parade, I walked into the parking lot where I park my junker and whoa!  here was a really beautifully painted art car.  The license plate says New Mexico.  I bet it was so much fun to drive from New Mexico to here with this car.  I'm so envious.

The artwork is very, very detailed on this truck.  I saw it again yesterday.  Sure wish I could run into (figuratively) these people to ask about the car and their trip.

The Annual Art Car Parade in Houston will be happening in May.  Over 200 entries, if I remember correctly. It is not just a parade of cars from all over the world, but actually quite a "happening".  Many fond memories of previous Art Car Balls and parades make me smile.

The Orange Show is responsible for this event!  If you're anywhere near Houston in May, stop on by and be amazed.  Go to www.thehoustonartcarparade.com  to learn all about it!  It's a hoot!


Retired Teacher said...

What lovely folk art on that vehicle! I would love to have a painting similar to that village scene on the rear end. I hope you get a chance to meet up with the owners and find out more about it.

Babs said...

Bill, IF I see the car in the parking lot tomorrow, I'm going to leave a note under their windshield asking them to call me!

I'd sure like to know more.
The artwork on the back looks like the pieces done in the State of Guerreo of the village scenes. They are painted on tree bark. I used to have many of them. I think I've given them all away.

Peter Kouwenhoven said...

Reminds me of John Lennon's beautiful Rolls Royce, which is now located in Victoria, BC. And owned by Jimmy Pattison, local business man and possibly Canadas wealthiest citizen.

Babs said...

Peter, is his car painted with scenes?

Marilyn Krichman said...

Babs, not apropos of your post, but I say your post on DonDay asking about pastrami sandwiches like a deli might serve. Did you know that Luna de Quesa serves a very good corned beef sandwich? I've never tried it but a guy next to me at the counter was ordering one and he said it was very good (and he looked like he might know a thing or two about deli food).

Babs said...

Marilyn, I did NOT know they served sandwiches, much less pastrami. I'll probably be there tomorrow. Of course, once I mentioned it I couldn't get it out of my mind!


Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a great car. But forgive me for the fact that all I can think of is this. How did the border crossing go for this guy? How many times did the Federales here in Mexico stop him for a revisión? Is it possible for him to just run out and buy some bread, or is every trip some kind of adventure?


Kim G
Zacatecas, ZAC
Where everything is art.

Babs said...

Kim, since there are many art cars in Mexico, I'm sure no one notices or cares. And since I have no idea what a revision is, I can't answer your question.

Glad to see you detoured to Zacatecas and are in Mexico!

Tom said...

I saw that when were there last month. Also saw a car that was really good. http://tomlafaver.smugmug.com/San-Miguel-de-Allende-trip/i-xkBktmZ/A

Babs said...

Tom, thanks for sending the link for your photos. I'll look at them later today! I knkow they'll be wonderful.