Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sans photos...............

I'm writing from beautiful, almost downtown, Houston!  Yup, you can't keep a wacky woman at home.

It was an on again, off again deal. Should I?Shouldn't I?  And, I did!

I headed out last Wednesday morning after checking every possible weather resource for days. I even found a website through a good friend to check the conditions of the Mexican highways.  Then a fellow blogger in Monterrey gave me his personal cell phone number just in case I encountered any  highway or weather related issues that would stop me dead in my tracks.

I even made two sandwiches for the trip (tuna) just in case I got stranded in the Chihuahua desert and had to have food.  (I'm not kidding).

The trip was as smooth as a baby's butt.  No traffic. No rain.  Only one road check.  Didn't even see
standing water until I was north of Monterrey.  No rain until I was at the Laredo US Customs checkpoint!


The drive was exquisitely beautiful.  The desert was lush green. The wildflowers were blooming.
When stopped at the checkpoint for about twenty minutes, I took photos.  I'll share them later  as I'm
having issues with my ancient laptop and have not been able to download photos.

Flying low, I arrived in Houston about 1PM on Thursday after spending the night in Laredo.  The rains from Hurricane Manuel hit here about an hour later..........booms of thunder, heavy rain and some flooded roads on Friday night.  It rained from Thursday at 2PM until Saturday at about the same time.  Approximately six inches.

The rain is over.  Sunshine is in abundance.  The humidity is low.  Houston today was spectacular.

Off to Galveston and Omega Bay tomorrow.  Hopefully Clear Lake on Tuesday and then back here for a delightful wine dinner on Tuesday evening.

Side trips are always good for the soul.   Houston is always fun.


calypso said...

You left Steve to his own devices - hmm. You two are becoming accustom to one another.

George Puckett said...

Please give us the URL for the website to check Mexican Road conditions.

I'm not accustomed to this "Sans Photos" but it's still good hearing from you.

Babs said...

George, I will do so when I return to SMA next week. I don't have that info with me.

Calypso - I thought it would be ok. Oh well, that's what I get for thinking.....ha

Anonymous said...

Now we know why steve spent the night in a luxury hotel. LOL...

Have a good trip!


Kim G
Boston, MA
Where we've been busy writing about washers and computers.

Rick said...

Heading off into a hurricane? Babs, you are a wild and crazy gal!

Babs said...

Kim, there is more to that story then you can imagine, ha.

Rick, I only had a small "window of opportunity". Here's what I say when I'm heading off on some death defying event - "Well if it's my time, it's my time". Somehow, that comforts and calms me.......