Monday, September 16, 2013

Hummingbird Festival Gala

Ten days ago, in the downpour of rain that was going on, 250 people
attended the Gala held during the First Annual Hummingbird Festival.

It was sponsored both by the Audubon Society, San Miguel Chapter and Camino Silvestre which is a retail store with garden and home furnishings and accessories.  Their specialty is hummingbird feeders.  Fabulous hummingbird feeders.

For two days there were all kinds of activities - nature walks, seminars, lectures, art classes
all regarding hummingbirds.  Ironically this year I have had very few.  Unusual since I usually have at least 20 to 30 in the gardens.

The Audubon Society here is the only chapter in Mexico.  I was involved early
on but in the last six years or so, not. 

I was surprised at the large turnout and must confess I hardly knew many of the people.
Guess it was lots of newcomers or people from out of town.

No ones spirits were dampened by the deluge of rain, nor the water dripping inside the building.
I believe their auction went well although those of us at one end of the room couldn't see or hear
the auction items, unfortunately.

The decorations were lovely.

It appears from the success of this first event that this will become an annual tradition to benefit nature and the botanical gardens.  A very good thing.
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Steve Cotton said...

This is something I would enjoy attending. Maybe next year.

Anonymous said...

I'm a HUGE fan of hummingbirds. That's one of the things I miss about California and love about Mexico.

I'm glad there are many others supporting this amazing bird.


Kim G
Boston, MA
Where technically there should be hummingbirds, but I've never seen one.

Babs said...

The best time to see hummingbirds here is in late October when the aloe vera has the big orange blooms that are like long sticks. The hummingbirds are in frenzies going up and down in each individual flower.
Today when the rain started so hard at 6PM, a hummingbird outside my bedroom window couldn't flap its wings fast enough and ended up landing on the chaise and just sitting there for a minute or so until it could get enough energy for a take off. They ARE fascinating creatures.
Kim, I can't imagine not living with hummingbirds.......

Babs said...

Steve, I think you would enjoy the active Audubon group here and also the Botanical garden year......