I must confess that I had never heard of Chacala until Andee of
www.mylifeinchacala.blogspot.com became one of my daily reads.......and then First Mate of
www.blissbloggin.blogspot.com wrote about the sweet little marina that they anchored at while sailing. So I filed it away in my brain as a possibility while on the coast........it's about an hour from Sayulita - north. Very sadly, Andee died in January but she had such a positive affect on all of us who read her blog and I wanted to see this "paradise". I must say her photos were MUCH better then mine. Andee DID live in a little piece of paradise. I heard from her son today who is keeping up her blog a little. There will be a memorial for her in the USA on June 14th.

HERE are the good, if not great things about Chacala.
NO SIGN on the highway telling you to turn. The attendant at the Pemex station told me the "markers" to watch for to make the turn.
No real estate offices -
no vendors selling serapes, parejos, jewelry, etc. etc. etc.
Packed flat sand to allow you to walk straight out into the water.
NO McMansions. Lots of palapas selling fresh seafood. A true BEACH town.
Beautiful clear water.
I just kept saying to myself, "Sweet, sweet, sweet". It reminded me of Mismaloya 30 years ago when there were only two houses on the hillside - now it looks like Miami Beach.

I met an Australian woman who said that all the palapas close at 8 or 9PM and there is nothing to do at night. "Sweet"...........

And, for the "gypsy kids", a first. A campground right there on the beach right next to the palapas. I've never seen that before - usually they are tucked off far from the action. In Tenacatita they are over a hill and down the beach.
I understand that this is NOT the beach for everyone. BUT for those (like me)who want a "natural" beach experience of hammocks, seafood, pina coladas, beautiful water and books to read, this is your place.
I drove down to Rincon de Guayabitos and saw two and three story hotels and did a u-turn and left...........then drove to Lo de Marcos another 10 miles south, had shrimp and limonada on the beach - talked to some Canadians from Vancouver who are renting a 4 bedroom 4 bath house for $350 a month in Rincon de Guayabitos with airconditioning. It's still out there - you just have to look for it..........
Thanks for sharing the experience. I am going to try to get up to Spokane next month for Andee's memorial.
Oh my, you have walked in paradise! So glad you ventured out of the box to find this awesome, dreamy place. How beautiful!
Glad ya'll enjoyed the "little window" of paradise.....So, this morning I'm thinking - ok I could spend 4 months there each year - Nov til March.......and rent out my place in San Miguel to snow birds.Oy vey!
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