Friday, April 02, 2021

A New Chapter of Life

 It has happened!  The Gypsy Kids, Matilda and Sebastian along with their Dad, John are now in

 Colorado!  They were so thrilled at the first big snow right after they arrived that I received videos

of snow ball fights, sledding and snowboarding.  What fun!  The kids were ecstatic as were my 

daughter and son-in-law along with the kids' cousins, Hannah and Andrew!

 To say it is very quiet around here would be an understatement.  What has thrilled 

me is to hear from the kids about their new school, going to the zoo, and seeing a 

black bear in the yard next store!  Oh my...........The slight giggle in their voices tells me

how happy they are to be there.  Relief!


Typically this time of year I would be busy gathering all the necessary ingredients for Easter

baskets, dyeing eggs and decorating the house.  None of that is happening which has thrown

me into a sort of funk this week.  I'm not usually grumpy but woke up that way Tuesday. It

took me a day or two to figure out why I was out of sorts and, of course, it is because I miss

the fun of the surprise of Easter and the fun with the kids of dyeing and baking a bunny cake.


Matilda sweetly told me on the phone that they are going to "face time" me so I can watch

them doing this this weekend with the whole family in Colorado.  It will be a new way of

participating without having to spend time cajoling friends to bring Easter items for their 

baskets or trying to figure out how to get enough jelly beans for the decorations.  I purposely

have not decorated the house this year.  In fact, it is probably time to pass on the Easter decorations

to whichever grandperson expresses interest in having these things.

                           Easter 2020 when we did not dye eggs in the house or bake the bunny cake!

Since Covid is still around there are NO processions, church bells or activities going on in the jardin 

this year again.  Hopefully next year all will return.  What is returning this year, however, even though 

there are no religious celebrations are the visitors to town.  Surprisingly they are expecting at least 

40,000 people here and they have already begun to arrive.  

The city in an attempt to keep the number of covid cases low as they are now,  is requiring that each 

car entering town must have a QR code to show they have either a hotel or restaurant reservation for

the weekend.  The roads from Queretaro, Celaya and Delores Hidalgo will have guards at each point 

to check for these codes and also to check temperatures.  Can you imagine how far back the traffic will

be stalled?  Upon arriving, each person, at each public establishment will have their temps checked, 

be required to use hand sanitizer, wear a mask and will be expected to social distance.


Of course, I am home and won't be in any of that.   I remember  previous years, even prior to covid, 

and the hordes of people descending on the town.  I am surprised that that many are coming this year!


I hope to receive my second dose of the Pfizer vaccine this month.  They are already giving it out in 

villages where those people received their first dose a month ago.  Once I have the second dose, then

I will be ready and feel comfortable to begin to make some plans to do "something" and go 

"somewhere".  Heck, something and somewhere have not been on the agenda for over a year.


Woohoo!  Just thinking about that might lift this funk I've been in this week!


The jacarandas are blooming!  The monarchs are coming through on their flight north and the 

hummingbirds are zooming from one flower to the other.  NO reason to be in a funk!


                                                     Feliz Pascua.   Happy Easter to all.



crynoutloud said...

Hola Babs,

Well, you know you are not the only one with this "covid symptom". We are going to really have to start working at getting our brains healthy again. Travelling is a good activity for the head. It takes a lot of thinking and figuring brain work to get out there. I get my second shot at the end of the month.

Steve Cotton said...

With the exceptions of a few ill-executed lockdown days, the virus has not much altered the rhythms of the little fishing villages by the sea where I live. Looking around at the celebrations for San Patricio's feast day and now Semana Santa, it is hard to believe that Mexico went through what it obviously has. Now and then I wish I had chosen a place to live with a bit more of the culture I appreciate, but I have appreciated even more the contentment with which my neighbors faced this past year.

Babs said...

Crynoutloud - Yes, I have tried to keep my brain active with reading, writing and gardening. I do look forward to leaving this property to go sit with friends for
a delightful "gabfest: to catch up on lives in the past 14 months! And then, with mask firmly in place, I will head to the USA in mid summer, hopefully. Still taking things one day at a time!

I get my second shot too in two weeks. Amazing and wonderful news!

Steve - I guess that is why Jalisco had such a rampant outbreak of covid if there were only a "few ill-executed lockdown days"! Your comment that your neighbors faced this past year "with contentment" staggers my imagination with the number of deaths that Mexico and your state have experienced. Maybe I'm not understanding what you are trying to say.

Contessa said...

Please continue your social distancing, masking etc until at least two weeks after you second shot. And even after that if you can.

Babs said...

contessa Thanks. I intend to wear my mask and social distance and use hand sanitizer til this whole covid thing is over!

I really haven't left home but once since I got the first shot.........Our town is full of tourists right now and no reason to get in the throws of that!

Take care!

Retired Teacher said...

Wow! 40,000 visitors in San Miguel for Holy Week in spite of the pandemic and the cancellation of all the normal activities. I can understand why Alejandro is concerned about a big spike in cases a couple weeks afterwards. Of course I sound sort of like a hypocrite since I am leaving for Mexico City in three days, but I am being super cautious. I am fully vaccinated, I am taking a supply of N95 masks to wear, and I have even voluntarily taken a COVID test and quarantined myself for the past week.
Happy Easter, and I hope you soon receive your second shot so that you can think about a trip to visit your son and grandkids!

Babs said...

Hi Bill - I know you are so looking forward to being in CDMX with Alejandro and his family. I know that is where your heart is.

We have word in SMA that the second vaccinations will be the weekend of the 16th and 17th. Bring it on.

I'm ready to get back to seeing friends and family and maybe in mid summer traveling to the USA. We'll see.

Hope you had a great Easter. Mine was weird and I spent the day in solitude with video phone calls from the family in Colorado! Fun times.....

This might be my "new normal". sharing long distance!

Take care = have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Babs, I just wanted to let you know that I have followed - and enjoyed - your blog for yers. Keep up the good work!
Vicki (in Austin)

Babs said...

Thanks Vicki! I just saw your message! I think I need
to write another post!

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Moni said...

Nice blog thanks for postiing

Kendra D said...

It sounds like they're having a wonderful time in Colorado.