Thursday, March 21, 2013

Primavera Parade in San Miguel de Allende - 2013

This parade along with a few others are just absolutely adorable.

The creativity of the mothers who make the costumes, the teachers who organize their classrooms
and the kids who are willing participants leaves everyone with smiles for hours and hours.

These are all kindergarten age children.  I'm amazed
at the ability to keep them all moving and together.

There are parents and teachers walking along on both sides
to make sure that no child gets left behind.

This little special needs boy was having such a great time!

Some kids didn't look very happy but I think there was so much
going on around them as they approached the jardin that it must
have been somewhat overwhelming - not to mention, HOT.

The lady bug group even performed!  They had little dance
moves and were singing.  I was trying to concentrate on taking
photos but honestly, it was hard not to get caught up in the moment.

Here's "my" kindergarten - the one next to my house.  I saw these kids
walking down the hill as I headed out myself.  I was so excited to
know for sure that it indeed was parade day.

They did start the parade a little earlier this year - thankfully.  Can you imagine walking a mile in
this outfit?  This little guy lives near me.

This child was having a heck of a time seeing where he was going.
But, he was inventive and finally just leaned back and walked!

Love this photo of the little girl watching the "bigger kids" in the parade.
Some day it will be her turn...........

What can I say other then "Precioso"?

All kinds of creatures - signs of spring.

Not sure why these bumble bees were eye to eye.

A fancy decorated truck with a little girl learning the princess wave.

Wings of all colors, sizes and shapes were seen today.

To cap off the parade, little Red Riding Hood and the
bad wolf appeared.

Part of the joy of this parade is that never are two years the same.  And, of course the best part is seeing the children in their clever, colorful outfits.

Viva Mexico!
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Todd said...

Doh, I thought it was tomorrow.
I wanted to be there.


Shannon said...

I missed it!! Darn darn darn!!!
Your pictures are wonderful though Barbara, I'm glad you were there.

Benne' Rockett said...


Babs said...

Shannon and Todd - I'm SO sorry ya'll missed it - it was delightful as always.
I think they moved it to Thursday as tonight is the "Friday of Sorrows" with all the altars all over town.

Benne' - indeed it was........

Gin said...

Wonderful photos, thanks for sharing. Your blog is my go to for a dose of Mexico and all it's fun. I love the parades, they are always such fun and as you say never any two alike. Another thing I've noticed, children are always fore front, shows how much they value their children.

Babs said...

You are very perceptive Gin. It is an unusual circumstance when you hear a Mexican child crying or having a fit! It is very interesting that they are so tranquil!