Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cuesta de San Jose to Tecolote

It's a hair raising turn everytime I turn from Cuesta de San Jose going downhill on Tecolote.

There is a "herd break" at that corner.  A "herd break" you say, "What the heck is that?"  It is where, when herding animals on the royal road and heading downhill to San Miguel they would turn them quickly onto Tecolote to slow them down. 

I can see this in my mind's eye as I have to creep along as I make the turn so as not to scrape either of the houses on either side.  It is VERY narrow.

Today as I was heading down that narrow street something caught my eye.  I quickly looked in my rear view mirror to see if anyone was coming down the hill behind me - nope - so I slowed down and actually stopped in the middle of the street to take this photo of the Virgen of Guadalupe.

I don't know when this was painted on the wall but it must have been recently.  Could it be out of thanksgiving or a prayer for intercession or just to beautify this little bit of San Miguel?
Who knows?  I know it stopped me long enough to get this image to share with you.

Lovely isn't it?  The shelf below it for fresh flowers is clever also.

All in a day - living in San Miguel de Allende!
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