So, it was particularly humorous yesterday when I got the call to see if I wanted to join "The Health Group". A dear friend is a member. I had heard of the group but didn't know its purpose. The name in and of itself sounds really, really serious. I tend not to be too serious about things like that. So here's the gist of it.
There are close to fifteen women, single, who are available to help each other out in case of an emergency or health issue. Driving to Dr, staying at hospital, notifying authorities, checking on each other, etc.etc. etc. One's medical history is given out to each member in case they are the person who accompanies you in a crisis situation to the hospital and everyone has a set of keys for each other's house.
The more my friend talked, the more I realized that it is a worthwhile endeavor. Especially since I know each and every one of these women and they are a FUN group. Oh, they also have lunch out once a month.
I'm not only celebrating another birthday this weekend, I'm moving into another "season of my life".
My daughter will be SO proud and happy.
So the "Survived til 70" Party will take place on Saturday. I couldn't decide whether to call it that or my Second Annual 35th Birthday. After some thought, not much, I realized that it is highly doubtful that there would be a Third Annual 35th Birthday, so I'm sticking with the "Survived til 70" idea.
Life is an adventure or nothing, isn't it?
It truly is an adventure.
I like the health group idea. We have discussed a similar idea at church. After all, the closest hospital to Melaque is an hour away in Manzanillo. And would require someone driving their car.
Wishing you the Best Birthday ever....your home is so beautiful!
Cordy - I'll be up in Texas in May - hope to stop by Port A and meet ya'll. Send me some contact info.
Happy birthday! You are who I want to be when I grow up.
HOmer1 - The secret is to never grow up, inside!
Happy Birthday, Babs!
Hi, Babs
Your rooftop also looks like a perfect place to throw a party!
We have a group here called San Carlos Cares that does a lot of the same things yours does. They also call the more elderly and infirm of our retirement community daily to check on their welfare, and just chat away the lonesome blues sometimes. I've been thinking of getting involved in it. Thanks for reminding me.
New back-drop canvas on the wall? I knew you were always "hip", but "Angry Birds" is really cutting edge! LOL!
Glad to hear it was a great day, and wishes for many more to come!
Dan in NC
Dan, it was a great day! Same canvas that was up when you and your wife were here. Angry birds - how funny! I keep hearing that phrase but not sure what it is all about. Yup, that's me, "cutting edge". so so funny......
Happy Birthday amiga - I believe you will be having one of these survived til 100 parties in the future ;-)
That Health Group idea is a very good one. Have to admit, I first thought of a bunch of senior ladies slaving over Pilates machines, ha! I shall recommend it to my Morelia friends...just never know. Glad you had a great did I! And, I am now counting the days 'till our departure for Morelia!
maria luz
Have fun in Morelia!
Happy Birthday Babs! Here's to many more.I have been enjoying your blog. Want to meet you when I arrive SMA.
Off topic but...I am driving from Laredo, Texas to San Miguel De Allende in the next month. Any advice and updates re safety?
My partner and I will be driving through in a SUV with my 90 year old uncle,our 2 dogs and a few suitcases.
I am getting my car permit ahead of time and will obtain my tourist visa at the border. Will have the dogs certs as well.
How safe is the drive? I also want to use toll roads as much as possible. Anyone know the route?
Can this be done in one day? If not, advice on a good (nice) hotel with secure parking that accepts lg dogs would be helpful.
You, your partner and your uncle will need tourist permits. I presume you have been to San Miguel in the past as it will be most difficult, unless your uncle is very agile, for him to get around.
The drive is safe - I do it alone all the time. It is a 9 hr. drive at about 80 - 85 miles per hour. I make it in that time. If you need to make frequent stops then I suggest you stay in Matehuala at Las Palmas Inn. It is clean, has a good restaurant and is mid way from the border to San Miguel.
I don't have a map in front of me - you won't always be on toll roads but you will always be on 4 lane divided hwy until you get to the turnoff for San Miguel and then you'll be on 2 lane for 30 minutes - no other time. (I would sneak the dogs into the motel as I don't know who does and doesn't accept dogs). Good luck!
Thanks Babs. Good advice. Look forward to meeting you.
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