I was looking for something else in some photos this past weekend and came upon this old passport photo from 1986. It was a shock! Did I really look like that? Wide open eyes?
One should not look at old photos of oneself and then look in the mirror at the person one has become. It was truly a shock. I guess, if I last another twenty five years I'll be even more shocked.......
There are many women in San Miguel who go the surgery route to keep that "youthful" look. Not me. One, I'm too scared to do that. Two, I don't like pain. And three, I don't care enough to go through that.
But I must tell you a funny story that happened this past week which made me roll back on my heels and think. Geez, am I really THAT old?
I am back on Senior People Meet dating site hoping to find someone wonderful to share my remaining years with. It seems that the "site" in some way attempts once a week to "match" you with another participant. This past week they matched me with an eighty-nine year old man! I was shocked beyond words. Then I thought, well maybe I'm older then I think I am........then I thought, "NO".
I'm usually looking in the 59-70 range and 89 just doesn't seem right to me. But it certainly was a wake-up call. One that I didn't want to hear........ha.
I laughed about it all weekend. I think I'm a 45 year old trapped in a 69 year old body. Ironically I was about 45 in this passport photo. Ahh, youth.
Ms. Babs: I don't see any difference between you today and that photo, just the change of hairstyle.
Fascinating that an old coot of 89 is looking for a girlfriend. I find that heartening in a way, but sad in another way because he does not have one now. I wish him good hunting. And you too.
Don't worry about it Barb. You look great to me. Besides, you never know about 89 year olds. If he is a great guy, can still dance, is a nice dresser, tells good stories, makes you laugh, can cook, and doesn't mind taking out the trash, then I say go for it!
There was nothing wrong with the man. His profile was fascinating. He lives in a beautiful part of Va. BUT to be honest, I don't want to bury anyone else....and that was my first thought. Of course it could be me, but I don't want to think about that.....
Gracias Felipe, wish I did still look like that photo. Maybe it's that 5x magnifying mirror that I use to apply makeup that is distorting the image for me. Ha.
Hey.......Can I relate or What? I remember my favorite photo ever taken of me was a passport photo in 1969, which made me at that time, a 32 years old. I have always wished all photos looked like that. But..sadly no.......and what does it matter anyway, I am 74 now and I am definetely not looking for anyone but friends and they seem not to care what one looks like, only what comes from the heart and soul..............and I think knives carve all that away with the wrinkles and the sags. Gayle
The Babs I know is 45.
Gayle, so true. I was so shocked though when I saw that photo.
Steve, you're just a "silver tongued devil".
Still a babe.
Very sweet coming from you. Hey, I'm coming up the end of August, first of September. Could you do something about the hot weather and lack of rain? After all, you're the "Grand Pu - Ba".
BEAUTIFUL. Always have been, always will be.
Bring it on. Your spot is ready. I can't do anything about the heat. I'm just the Grand Pu Pu.
Been there done that on the dating thing back when I was in my late 40's. I guess I'm in a different mind set now. Sometimes I'd like to think that there is someone special I'd like to spend the rest of my life with. Then there are times when I'm grateful to be alone...especially when I see people who are so unhappy together. At any rate, I am grateful for the enthusiasm I have in visiting Mexico as opposed to those who are so afraid to go there. As far as dating, what happens happens. I don't look for it anymore. I'd rather be happy on my own than unhappy with someone else. My dos centavos on the dating scene.
Pretty lady then and now. A friend went to have x-rays taken recently and was asked by the young gal taking the film how old she was, her response was 67, the gal responded with,"I don't want to get old". Guess our response in that case should be, "How old are you and why do you ask my age".
Isla Deb - so true - I've been lonelier with someone a long time ago then being alone period.
Unknown - My reply would be, "the alternative to getting old is not especially attractive either!"
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