This year has been a different Easter Season for me. I DID watch the Palm Sunday procession. That was the only one. Usually on Wednesday I watch the Way of the Cross procession with the flowers strewn across the streets along with the Stations of the Cross built into the side of the buildings decorated with statues and floral arrangements. Then on Thursday I usually walk from church to church to see the feet being washed which symbolizes the washing of the feet of the Apostles. To finish up Holy Week, I usually see the noon procession on Good Friday along with the very solemn procession that night of all of the older women all dressed in black carrying the lanterns. NOT this year.
This year I've been in the midst of getting ready for two little munchkins to come to my house and dye eggs along with coming back to see what amazing things a hopping rabbit can create.
The Easter bunny had a heck of a time finding anything to fill Easter baskets with. Even a heck of a time finding baskets with handles for little ones to carry. But persevere the bunny did, with new Easter outfits, Easter baskets and all the eggs to hunt for in the garden.
Instead of a traditional Mexican Easter week, this year it has been an American one. Not anything I ever expected to have happen in Mexico!
The only thing left that happens during Semana Santa is the blowing up of the Judases in the jardin tomorrow. I won't be there for that either - other plans.
However, in past years I've posted photos galore of all of the above. This year its all about family. How divine!
Sebastian and Matilda are adorable and getting so big. I think Matilda favors you. Love her fuscia shoes and tutu. What a fun age. Jan in Mississippi
It is kind of ironic that, after all the hoopla and leadup from Ash Wednesday through Lent and all of Semana Santa, Easter Sunday is sort of an anticlimax in Mexico.
Thanks Jan - Ironically I have photos of me at Mati's age and we look very much alike.
Jennifer, you are so right! The first year I was here I was astonished that other then fireworks and church bells it was a day of no processions or celebrations. Well, the blowing up of the Judases is strange on that day, to say the least!
Beautiful photos & Munchkins :-)
Babs, they are absolutely adorable!
Thanks Mic and "Beach"........I think so too......ha. I saw Matilda in the jardin today with her Mom and little brother. Yup she had on the made me laugh out loud.
I do think Mati so looks like you and please do bring your pink tutu when you come...I'll wear mine if you wear yours. I have red sequined tennies to wear with mine.
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