Just in case you think that San Miguel is nothing but sophisticated shops to shop in , restaurants to eat in, or fancy schmanzy parties, take a look at these photos. These are real street scenes in San Miguel. Usually when I see things like this, I can't get to my camera fast enough.

Or, worse, I don't have it with me. THIS is the
real San Miguel. I love to see these scenes. Note the woman walking on the right of the horse rider. The woman cover up almost completely on the hottest days imaginable. I don't understand it. But, they do.
In addition, look at the ancient stones in the wall to the left of this rider. These walls are seen all over town on houses that haven't been gentrified. No, it isn't made like that "just to make it look old". It IS old..........
Just in case you wanted to see the real San Miguel, enjoy these photos.
I love the pictures and the old town. Thank you for sharing part of your daily life.
San Miguel is a back-lot movie set populated by Hollywood moguls with Mexicans trucked in from Mexico without visas. Most people on the set are rich Americans who sip cappuccinos with their little fingers raised.
I know you took this photo in some border town. I know it.
Gracias Mario.....I'm glad you enjoyed the photos.
Felipe, oh yee of little faith. You KNOW there are many who are NOT rich in San Miguel - me being one of them, ha. And, Mama taught me to never raise my finger - any of them........
Your photos take me back....and always make me homesick for SMA. You always manage to capture the heart and soul of the town. Thank you for that....
Barbara--I love your blog-so creative and interesting!! live in Austin and also have a house near you in SMA.Your friend Laura Hale sent your blog to my sister who sent it to me. Laura is Mother to my son Grant's first wife Andrea. Small world as you also know my friend Carolyn Palmer who will be here with me in Austin Friday for a few days.. When we are both back in SMA'I hope to see you again
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