I realize I'm a mere "babe in the woods" as it relates to writing posts on a blog.
However, little did I know five years ago when I started posting that it would impact my life as much as it has.
BillieBlog is responsible. Thank you Billie. I first tried in September 2006. Very tentatively and decided I just couldn't do it. Then in January 2007 I jumped in with a very short post. The rest is history.
At this point, today, this is the 987th post. Good grief, what could I have said in five years and 986 posts? I doubt anythng of substantial earth shattering information. I think of my blog as a "fluff" blog. It's just about whatever comes to mind.
The most important thing for me is that it started out as a cathartic exercise. It worked. The amazing thing is the wonderful people who I have met through these posts. It is very heartwarming.
In the last couple of months, I received an email from a woman who discovered the blog. She went back and read all 900 and something posts. I was flabbergasted. We have emailed back and forth. As I write this, this couple are here in San Miguel looking at property with the thought of moving here from the Santa Barbara area of California!
I had dinner with them Sunday evening. Because both had read the posts, they knew everything about me and it was as though we had known each other forever. Quite a unique experience.
I've had similar experiences like that over the last five years. Each time it suprises me that the written word can have an impact even when that isn't your intention. Pretty powerful stuff.
I can't compare to those who write beautiful prose and blogs such as Rancho Santa Clara and The Unseen Moon. Their writing is like liquid gold to my mind. Mine, to me, is clunky in comparison.
Of course, I didn't start writing for it to be a literary spectacle. I started writing to reopen my heart to life. The blog and you have succeeded in doing that totally.
Thank you for coming by from time to time!
Thank you Barbara! I enjoy each and every post.
Thank YOU Shannon. I always appreciate your comments.
Congratulations! And you have given my ideas for at least two more posts.
It is funny how we see ourselves. I've read your stuff for years and always thought of you as one of the Mexican blogging stars. I read the Mexican blogs to learn about Mexico, you put up a lot of good stuff. Is what it is...
Thanks Steve and Norm.
Steve, I can hardly wait to see what my post prompted you to think of.
Norm - glad you enjoy reading my "stuff". Over 6000 people read the blog a month which absolutely astonishes me.
Your blog is tops in my department. I love the casual, homey attitude, glad you decided to blog.
Keep the posts coming. I'll keep reading 'em and enjoying 'em.
Thanks Gin and Bill = I'm glad that this little bit brings enjoyment and pleasure!
Who would ever have imagined? It never occurred to me when I started that anyone but family and a few friends would read this blog. WHAT a surprise!
I recently joined as a follower and too went back to read your earlier posts. A dear deceased friend lived in SMA in the mid to late 80's and your experiences are very similar. I remember her stories fondly when reading yours.
Keep up the good work! An Austin follower,
Thanks Bill - you live in one of my favorite parts of Texas! Thanks for taking time to comment.......
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