Monday, February 09, 2009

2009 San Miguel Calendar

Even before I moved to San Miguel, I always bought the San Miguel Garden Club calendar. The photos of street scenes and fiestas, not to mention unique photos, always were excellent. A committe reviewed those submitted and selected the best of the best. They sold well. For some unknown reason, the ladies of the garden club decided for 2009 that they would do postcards instead.

Enter the female business owners of San Miguel who decided to have their own calendar in a "cheesecake" fashion. Gutsy move, in my opinion. Many are friends. They are all hard working women. Tastefully done, tongue in cheek, some of the proceeds go to "organizations that work with the blind and vision impaired". For more information you can go to if you wish to purchase a calendar. I, of course, bought one in support of the women.

Then, enter the outraged citizens, whoever they many be, who deluged the local newspaper saying it is pornography and presents a terrible image of San Miguel. Honestly people - get a life. It reminds me of the people who complained when the City of Houston used cowboys in their tourism literature, saying that it didn't give a "sophisticated" image of Houston. HA.

We'll see if the Garden Club returns next year with their scenes of San Miguel - albeit not quite as fleshy, oops flashy. AND how many women line up to be in the next "ladies" calendar.
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Shirley Gonzalez-Day said...

I wonder if there would be any interest in a 65 year old Hispanic Florida woman who doesn't look too bad for her age!!

Islagringo said...

Sounds like much ado about nothing. Playa del Carmen does a "nude" calendar of local men. (important parts discreetly covered) Proceeds go to the local pet shelter and it sells like hot cakes. These people in SMA need to get a life.

Steve Cotton said...

I wonder if this is the same group of collectors who believe that doe-eyed kittens are the epitome of art?

Good grief! Talk about good clean fun. The whole calendar enterprise seems to have a tongue deeply embedded in the cheek. Blind and sight-impaired, indeed. I feel another gangs of SMA post on the way.

Michael Dickson said...

Was it the Mexican residents who complained or the Gringas? I´d put serious money on the Gringas.

Babs said...

The majority of the models are Mexican women - ages from 40's to late 60's - the biggest complainer was an ex-pat man! There's always gotta be know?

Calypso said...

"...the biggest complainer was an ex-pat man!

Very small minded fellow - needs to up his Viagra medication I think.