I grew up drinking Community Coffee which is made in Lousiana. Two cups of that in the morning and I'm buzzing around at low level. It's amazing how much I get done after that second cup.
So, I asked my sister-in-law to pick some up at the store for me. They are non-coffee drinkers but have a two cup pot for die hards like me.
I've made Community now for a week and NO buzz. Not even a lift off like Buzz Lightyears. A slight movement is more like it. THAT'S how I know I'm not well. Geez when Community can't get me moving, I'm in trouble.
In fact today, after two cups, I went back to bed. Oy vey. WHAT will it take to get me buzzing again?
Your body is just trying to tell you to lighten up a bit. You are among people who love you so let them take care of you. Don't feel guilty about it. You will soon be good as new and running around like crazy again :)
Have to agree with Bob - you need to take it easy. Actually the better coffee has less caffeine - or I would invite you to come and drink some fine Veraruzian coffee ;-)
there is some great coffee in Mexico that is very "green". It is also some of the best I have ever had.
We are off to Mardi Gras in a month and a half and love love love their coffee down there as well. You can check us out at www.casalagarto.blogspot.com . I really like reading about your life south of the border.
Geez, buzzless in Houston! Maybe I need to pick you up for some double shots of expresso. Just don't get so buzzed you can't sleep...sleep is the great all-time healer. Love you and am sending the cough fairy over to take your cough away to phelm land. Look for her to fly your way shortly...she'll leave you a box of Tissues as a remembrance.
Babs, I'm just saying.....
You are close to one of the finest medical centers in the world. Maybe it is time for a second opinion.
Are you sure they didn't buy decaffeinated by mistake? Or maybe there is not as much caffeine in it nowadays. I have to agree with Billie though. This thing seems to be dragging on for a quite a bit. Get a second opinion my dear.
Well, here's the good news! I'm on more meds as of this evening. Another antibiotic! IT HAS to make me well. I've slept all I can. Three weeks of this is two weeks too many!
Thanks for caring everyone.
Paul and Robyn - I checked out your blog - way cool. Somehow I know ya'll - somehow I saw your booklet before - we must know someone in common or else I'm halucinating (which wouldn't surprise me)
Where is CAsa Lagarto located? Not familiar with the place.........
Calypso, I've bought coffee in Coatepec and it was wonderful - I hope to get back to Veracruz in 09! And I'll take you up on that fine cup of coffee.
Babs -- I am the guy who dislikes doctors so much that he refuses to buy health insurance. But I am with Billie and Wayne on this one. Take advantage of that medical center.
This now entitles you to bug me on any other topic of your choice.
Second opinion, Babs. Please. Your friends, the in-person ones and the ones from the blog-o-sphere, want you well and buzzy, ready to shake that cocktail shaker at the beach.
Mexico Cooks!
Completely different topic:
I saw your comment about Three Cups of Tea on Nancy's blog. I too read it a couple months ago and was moved to say the least.
You may already know but ... this month there are children's and young adult versions coming out
I plan on getting for my boys.
Ten years ago when I visited San Miguel de Allende my girlfriend got a little sick and we went to a Farmacia. The lady surprised us by giving us a few antibiotic pills, explaining that it was very common for la gente in San Miguel to get a bad cough in the winter. It occurs to me that this practice is just the ticket for developing a strain of anti-biotic resistant bacteria. If this round of anti-biotics doesn't do the trick, perhaps your doctors should consult with a reputable doctor in San Miguel or Guadalajara and see what they are using to combat the cough that everyone gets in the winter...just a thought. (And Best Wishes Babs!) Christine
Oh STeve, I bug you enough - pardon the pun! I wish it was as easy as going to the Med Center. I have tried since the end of last week to find a pulmonologist who would take me but they are all booked a week to a week and a half in advance! SOME don't take new patients. It has been very frustrating........I'm not about to go to the ER again and take a chance. So, we'll see how well this new antibiotic does.
Ah Cristina, I didn't know you read my blog - your first time to leave a comment. I SO love your blog. Thanks for the encouragement and Christine, good thought. I am on a broad spectrum bacteria antibiotic. Wish me luck.
If the stuff you cough up has a slight greenish tinge to it then you have a bacteria problem and antibiotics can help. If it is clear then you probably have a virus problem and all you can do it wait for it to end. No, I am not a doctor but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night :)
The only Community coffee worth drinking is the New Orleans Blend with Chicory...ummm soooo good.
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