All the kids in San MIguel get out of school manana. So for the last few days they have been having parties outside and graduations and honors ceremonies. I have the primary school on one side and the kindergarten on the other. I LOVE the sounds!
Today, the kindergarten has just finished doing the "hokey pokey" and the last song they sang was "Yankee Doodle Dandy" in Spanish..............followed by Viva Mexico. It makes me grin.......
My maid Josefina is all excited because tomorrow Brenda, her oldest, is graduating from primary and will go to secondary school in the Fall. Brenda was just a few years old when I moved here! I'm so proud that Josefina is making sure that Brenda goes on to secondary school. It is expensive..........More and more of the kids ARE going on and graduating, thankfully.
So, after tomorrow no more squeals and laughter until school starts again in the fall. But, at least, I still have the birds and roosters for song.
Babs -- When does school start up again in the fall?
School resumes sometime in August. Mexican students have a shorter summer vacation than their Estadounidense counterparts, but they have longer Christmas and Semana Santa vacations, making the school year the same 180 days as in the US. Well, except for the times the teachers are on strike.
But I'm just happy that the traffic was a lot lighter now that the mothers aren't hauling the kids to and from school.
School resumes here August 18th - and yes, they do have Christmas and Semana Santa vacations as Jennifer says, but heck so do the kids in the USA.......since all parents walk their kids to school here, no change in the traffic patterns. I also watch them bring their mid-morning snacks to them. Quite endearing.......
I am on Isla Mujeres three or four times a year. My late morning walk to the beach takes me past a primary school. I love seeing the parents, not just moms bringing their children the mid morning snacks. I have never seen anything like that here in the US. Often I think that they are hot snacks as they are on a plate covered in foil wrap.
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