Wednesday, July 30, 2008

New Electronic Gadgets

As I sit here looking out the big window at the hummers, swallowtails and the gathering clouds (oh Lord, I hope we're NOT going to have another storm like Monday night), I can look up at my NEW electronic devise bought at Home Depot that gives the room temperature and has a cord to give the outside temperature too....Way get it to work all I had to do was put in the battery. That is MY kind of electronic gadget! Temperature as I write is 73.7 degrees - yee ha!

Upstairs I have a new "electronic gadget" called an atomic clock which has the date, day, temperature and time. Supposedly it sets itself by the time in Colorado......ok, it's not giving normal time but someting like 2o:o4 - I did have to put batteries in this problem, but still haven't mastered how to get it from Pacific time to Central Daylight time.........remember these directions were written in China.

The third and final "new electronic gadget" that I bought because of lots of hassling and derision is the new Panasonic, Leica lens, digital camera...........I'm charging the battery today and tomorrow I MIGHT try to figure it out. But, I'll try to figure it out in the morning , while I'm still calm and won't get grumpy..........

BTW, Thanks Richard at Gangs of San Miguel for saying I'm "always nice" - hmmm, good thing you can't read my mind! Cause there are days when things and people DO irritate me..........


Steve Cotton said...

Welcome back. Time to get down to some serious blogging.

Babs said...

Hi Steve - I've kept up with your blogs even though I was still gone...I'm enjoying your ruminations....... said...

Can't wait to see how you like the new camera. We definitely should have tripped into the Women's Clothing Store in Galveston while you were here...they were closing and EVERYTHING was 50% off....I scored some great stuff.

Cynthia said...

Sorry we missed you in SMA. You left town just as we arrived.

As for your new gadgets, I think you should become the official SMA weather girl. Seems like the temps online ( etc.) are really Queretaro.

It's going to be 100 again today in Houston. Can't believe I couldn't stay in SMA until October!

Babs said...

Cynthia - I'm so sorry I missed you! Lordy, you weren't here long enough......You're right the temp on my blog is NOT right and I'm going to delete it when I figure out how.......As I sit and write to you = it is 74.3 degrees! YEE HA........There is no chance in HELL that I'll ever move back to Texas - cause I was just in HELL - temperature wise while I was up there!