Something just happened to the computer - I started to type the word where and it "posted it"! Never had that happen before.............
So anyway, to start again............remember two weeks ago when I posted about the two possums on the patio? I went out the door (holding the door open so I could run in if the possum leaped at me) and took two photos. At the time the possums were very visible, but when I picked up the pictures today, I was amazed at how camouflaged they are. Can you find one of them? You CAN click on the photo to enlarge it............. HINT, look to the right of the bourganvilla on top of the stone wall........... Isn't nature great?
I give up!
Looking forward to seeing those photos from your trip.
Hi cynthia - It is the dark "lump" to the right of the bouganvilla on top of the stone wall! Amazing.....Hope you enjoy all the photos.
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