Saturday, December 08, 2007


Well, if you've been wondering where I've been or what I've been up's a list to stagger you! Last I wrote was on Tuesday, the 27th of November - then the next day my son and I drove to San Antonio, Tx. (11 hours) - next day drove around taking care of business, drove back to Laredo and did a couple of hours of shopping and the next morning at 7AM crossed back into Mexico and made the trip to San Miguel! WHEW - exhausting!
Friends were here in the guest house so there was a bit of entertaining to do and sightseeing to take them on...............they left Monday and previous tenants came for a couple of days and THEN it was time to get ready for the FIRST baby shower for my son and new daughter-in-law!..................The shower was today and was so wonderful and such a joyous event! We were surrounded by dear friends here in San Miguel who have been so kind to me in prior times and it was so touching to share this beautiful time with each of them...............
Retirement sure is boring, HA!


Gypsy Girl said...

Nice to have you back!! Retirement is boring .. yeah right...when people ask me what I do all day it makes me laugh. I don't have enough time to fit it all in!!! said...

Holy moly! And before long you are on the road again. Glad you are back safe and sound and all is well. Hope someone took pictures of the shower...would loved to have been a fly on the wall.