Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Lessons Learned from COVID in San Miguel de Allende

The past five months have been a learning experience.  To put it mildly.  It isn't a new lesson, but I have realized that hugs from family is an all important thing!  John, Matilda and Sebastian come over every now and then, but, still we are so careful.  However, since I haven't been leaving the house, we have our masks on, turn our faces away from each other now..........and HUG!!!!  I mean LONG hugs.
That lasts us for about ten days and then we get together and have a picnic outside or play with frisbees or something and then HUG!  It works, big time.  Can you believe they are growing up so much? 

Another lesson that I have learned is that just about anything you want or need can be delivered or accomplished at home!  Groceries, not only locally, but I have a delightful woman who goes to HEB and Costco every week.  No, I don't need food every week but it sure is nice to keep a list and about every two or three weeks have her pick up something special.  This past week it was smoked salmon, tangerines and artichoke dip for the kids and their Dad.  Who knew that they liked those things?  I didn't until I asked what they wanted from Costco.  Last time they wanted grapes.

In the above photo is Mati getting a manicure.  Lizette comes to the house about once a month and gives me a mani/pedi so I asked Matilda if she wanted to join me.  She did!  I love these one on one times with her.  Notice, we do everything outside and always wear masks.  Always.

Another lesson, is no I don't think I need two or three kittens to raise.  I started to get one, then the kids didn't want them separated.  I contemplated it for a while and decided not to push my luck and so, no I'm not getting any kittens.  Although that little black one named Indio has stolen my heart and
has such a darn cute personality. 

The best lesson is that as far as I know, all the restaurants will deliver food to you with most of it still piping hot when it arrives.  I have my favorites with one of them being here in Los Frailes who provides  absolutely delicious and unique food.
Above is a photo of a grilled salmon plate with all kinds of yummy vegetables.  Cost, a little over $10USD, delivered!

The latest discovery is a farm outside of town that has the most incredible vegetables that I have ever
seen in Mexico!  The couple are originally from Texas but have lived in Mexico forty-eight years. So far I have gotten beautiful okra, yellow crookneck squash, Kentucky Wonder green beans and leafy lettuce.  They have two huge tented buildings for hydroponic products and also outdoor fields of crops.  The farm is called Chinaberry Farm.  Initially, until covid, they were growing and selling to restaurants in SMA.  But, with many not reopened and others not having much business, the owners have turned to having vegetable markets a couple of times a week.  One for me is in Los Frailes where I live. It is at Flor Jamaica Restaurant on Saturdays from 9:30 til 11:30 and another on Mondays at Don Lupe Restaurant.  I'm not sure of the times.  For more information their email address is
Last lesson is that taking time to work in the garden has been such a calming influence for me.  Hope it is for you as well.  Too bad all I grow are flowers and not the beautiful vegetables that Chinaberry Farm provides.  Oh well, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks!".  

Onward into Month Number Six............Take care of yourselves and DO stay in touch!


R. P. said...

Buenos dias! The "kids" are growing up fast! One day we will be able to all hug. Thank your for your inspiring and smart post. Be well, dear friend.
Colleen & Robert

Babs said...

Oh gosh! I think of ya'll frequently but with the rise in deaths and active cases in SMA, every time I think I'm ready to go out and meet ya'll, I pull back and say to myself, "it's not time yet".

Thank you for continuing to read the blog and to write. Hope ya'll are doing well. Well, as well as can be expected!

A Virtual Hug from here.

Peter Kouwenhoven said...

We are coping well here on Vancouver Island. Summer is wonderful and most people respect the social distancing and wear a face mask. I don't think our border with the USA will open this year, things are still escalating everywhere. Most youth are partying like there's no risk, they then go home and infect their families...
We hope you and yours are well and happy despite Covid...

Cheers, Peter and Shelagh.

Babs said...

Wonderful to hear from you Peter and Shelagh! Glad to know you are well and safe.
Life goes on, doesn't it?

Take care

Barbara Lane said...

I agree it's not time yet! One can't be too careful. Somehow I stay quite busy - it's just a different busy than it was when I was being social. The weekdays FLY by, which usually I'd want to slow down, but given the times I don't mind. What will November bring? SURELY GOOD things! (Please God.) Even more... what will January bring?? Six months in I've adjusted - and quite well I might add - to my new "norm". It helps to live in a home I love, in a town I adore, and have beloved friends I am in touch with often. How wonderful that John and the children live here, and so close to you! Blessed you are indeed, all of you. Continue to stay safe - it WILL pay off in the end. Abrazos.

Babs said...

Good to hear from you Barbara. Yes, we are both blessed to have homes that we love and can enjoy the indoors and out of doors when we wish. I'm sure you stay busy with all the things we both love - reading, cooking and staying in touch with friends!
I'm shocked at how fast the days go by, truly.

The need to leave the house only touches me once in a while now and by the next morning, it is gone! ha.

Isn't it amazing how little it takes to give us contentment and pleasure.

Indeed, I too intend to stay home until I feel that I can go out safely. If you
have noticed, the active covid cases have dropped significantly in the last week.

Take care - think of you often.