Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Riding High

She's eleven years old now.  Forming her own interests.  Two of them are dressage and high wire trapeze and other activities like Cirque de Soleil performs.

Yes, Matilda is becoming her own person.  It is a joy to observe.

A few weeks ago we all went out to watch her practice somewhere near Cineaguita, outside of San Miguel at an amazing training facility.  Here are the photos from the hour long practice.

It is fascinating to see what children become interested in doing as they mature. I wish I knew how to attach the video of her in Ixtapa on a high trapese.  But, I don't, and you will just have to take my word for it that it was amazing to see her let go of the bar and then grab the arms of her partner waaaaay up there.  I'm glad it was a video and that I wasn't there to witness it because I would have been terrified watching her go up that high.  Yes, there was a net below, but still!

Life continues to be full of surprises.  Not daily as it used to be, but that is truly okay.  It is always fun to wait and see what is going to happen next!

One of the surprises this day was that those huge trees that Seb and John are walking under are pecan trees!  I had no idea that pecans grew in this area.  Brought back lots of memories of growing up in central Louisiana where pecans were an industry.  In fact, my little brother and I each year would pick up pecans to sell to get money to buy Christmas presents.  I have always loved to bake with pecans, especially during the holidays.  All year, however, when I bake banana bread, I think some pecans add to the deliciousness.  The pecans on these trees were small and didn't have much meat.  Not something I would spend time picking up.  But, I bet someone does!

After all, this is Mexico! Nothing goes to waste.


Peter Kouwenhoven said...

My first taste of pecan pie was one baked by you at the Christmas party hosted by Trey and Bill. So yummy! Fond memories. Nice to see the kids grow up. Equestrian sport is the only sport where men and women compete at the same level.

Babs said...

Wow, good memory Peter! I didn't remember that.......We ALL hope ya'll come back for a visit some day. Lots more to do here now! AT least that is what everyone tells me.

Interesting info on the dressage and equestrian sport. Mati is so happy. She now has her own horse, courtesy of a gift from someone. As gentle and kind as she is, she is very competitive and with her lithe build will be a good horsewoman, I think.