Often, we "locals", take for granted all the benefits we have in San Miguel. We fail to share the information on these benefits with the "newbies" in town - as anyone who has not been here for a couple of years is thought of. It's not out of a desire to not share. We just have used certain services for so long, it does not typically come up in conversation.
ENTER Stage Left, Lou Christine. Lou can be seen shuffling around town in his docksiders either looking for new customers or new businesses to add to the roster of services covered by the VIP card.
Lou is not a hard sell guy. He'll mosey over, sit down on the bench, launch into conversation, but, somewhere in the middle of it, ever so gently, he'll mention that possibly you have not renewed your card.
IF you don't have the money right then for a new card, if he knows you, he'll say, "Well take the card and I know you're good for paying me later". And, you do.
You do because this card is GREAT! I have had one, I think, for the 16 years I've been here. Lou and I arrived about the same time. The card was his brainchild. He's a brainy kind of guy who is a writer, an entrepreneur and just fun to be around. He grew up on the streets of Philly and at some point lived in Hawaii. I think his laid back attitude came from Hawaii as every time I've been in Philadelphia, a city I love a lot, no one was laid back. At least not like Lou.
Back to the card though. Not only are there a gazillion of restaurants who accept the card, but many services from cleaners, doctors, hair salons, etc etc etc. The whole list, and it is a long one, is on the website. Go to www.vipsanmiguel.com to see all the details to get a card, who offers discounts through the card and just to get all the information. In my case, the annual fee is paid for in a couple of months from all the discounts offered by places that I frequent.
Lou will be happy. I will be happy to have told you about the card.........and most importantly, YOU will
be happy. PLEASE if you decide to get a card, let Lou know I sent you. You know, neighbors helping neighbors kinda thing.
Happy days!
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