Thursday, December 05, 2013

TRYING To Take Photos...........Good Ones At Least!

For me, trying to take good photos is like herding cats - especially when a group of family members or other groups are involved.

Some people have a knack for it, but just let me say to the kids, "Grammy wants to take a photo" and
silliness ensues.  Of course I like "silly" too.  It is hilarious.  Does this happen to you?

Now, this was to be the "finale" shot after having the birthday lunch at Red Lobster for
Hannah and Andrew.  After this happened, I gave up......

Daughter Julie stepped in, took the camera, and got this perfect shot of the girls and I......but heck
NO Andrew.  It always happens.  He is camera shy.

The party moved to the house where the kids opened their gifts.  Hannah was thrilled to
have a new charm bracelet as she had outgrown her old one and a #16 charm!  Woo hoo.
THAT doesn't happen every day, turning 16.

However she is in the "I love all things Duck Dynasty stage" and she not only got a cookbook
but a few other DD things.  I have to confess I've tried on three occasions to watch the show and
am appalled at the subject matter and conversations.  Oh and terrible grammar! 

Andrew was moving so fast to blow out the candles on the birthday cake that
it looks like he has a halo or something around his head.  We relit the candles
so Hannah would have a chance..........

Hannah's favorite gift, I do believe, is the pink camo Duck Dynasty flannel blanket that she
wore for the rest of the time that I was at their house.  Who knew, pink camo?

It's always so, so bittersweet when I leave.  I want to sit down on the ground and just cry.
But, I keep a stiff upper lip, smile and wave as they all wish me a safe journey.

They also said, "Oh my gosh Grammy, are you going to post this on the blog?"
My response, "You bet!" As they all stood in their "getting ready to put up
Christmas lights" clothes.  By the way, that IS 16 year old Hannah hanging on to
her Dad's back.

They might be growing up, but, they are always Daddy's girls.
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Gin said...

Beautiful family, sweet photos.
In our family photos with 5 grandsons there are always, I mean always,rabbit ears. I've given up getting a nice photo of them, it's become the family joke.

Anonymous said...

Pink camouflage is indispensable if you are doing a commando raid at Victoria's Secret.


Kim G
Boston, MA
Where we wonder why military camouflage these days looks pixelated.

Babs said...

Gin, you reminded me of my son doing that to his two sisters growing up! It must be a rite of passage but CAN be aggravating at times.....

Babs said...

Ahh, Kim, of course a raid on Victoria's Secret. Yikes, that brings up all kinds of images that I can't discuss online.