It was hot enough to fry an egg on my head. The distances from each structure was flat, treeless and unrelenting sun. Time - about high noon.

This structure was completed by the Toltecs. Very reminiscent of Tula in the State of Hidalgo. If you haven't ever been to Tula - GO.

WHO came up with this idea? WHO? Nowadays some architect would have a rendering on a set of plans and a contractor would have said "Are you crazy? You want a snake HOW LONG? WHERE? REALLY?

Then cost overruns must have run rampant. Can you imagine how many carvers it would take to complete a wall this long? Incredible.

About now I was plotting my escape. Sweat was running down my face and I really didn't care one bit what that building was, its purpose or any other pertinent information. I wanted cold water and a chair in the shade. I turned............

And this was the scene I saw. Everyone else wilting also. I made a fast escape, found a bench in the shade and said to myself if there is anything else I want to know or see, I'll read it on the internet and not die of heat stroke.
No wonder the Mayans abandoned these sites for the Highlands - it was too darn hot!
So I take it that until personal portable aire conditioning units become readily available, you will probably stay out of the Yucatan?
Cheers, from moderate NC!
Dan in NC
At least "inland" destinations. Glad to be back in moderate and perfect San Miguel, I must admit.
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