Even back in the days when I was designing interiors, I always liked to use natural materials and textures as accessories.
Besides enjoying the ocean, the swaying cocoanut palms, the multi story bourganvilla, I've also marveled at the palapa roof over the living room of the house I'm staying in. It is called a palapa real versus a palapa rustica which is just palm fronds layed on a substructure and trimmed and tied.
This palapa to me is as beautiful as the Sistine Chapel ceiling. It certainly is a work of art in my opinion. I've watched men making these roofs many years ago. It is like watching a ballet in motion. Each person has a task and they work in rhythm with very precise methods.
This roof withstood the direct hit of Hurricane Jova in October of this past year and held without damage. It's a testament to the workmanship of the many men who built this impressive structure.
I've been spending my days in reflection and contemplation. I'm either watching the ocean, the fishermen or the surfers. Or I look up at this magnificent palapa and know that all will be well again, some day.
Watching the surfers???????
Stop watching and start doing.
We want pictures of you catching some waves and showing off your moves!
Are you kidding? Those days are over just like water skiing and bungie jumping!
Love that roof.
Just looking up at mine:
Definitely a peaceful ceiling.
We hope all is well.
Happy New Year!
Felipe, it must be close to three stories high at its peak,if not more so. I'll post more photos tomorrow.
Thanks Calypso, the palapa and the ceiling are my touchstones of serenity right now along with the ocean........
Watching the church's palapa go up over the last part of this year really made me appreciate the work that goes into building these structures.
These palapas are as intricate and amazing as the brick domes that you find in some San Miguel houses. How they are built, brick by brick without a sustaining frame, I'll never know.
So true Al. I've watched in awe as the bovedas are under construction - one brick at a time.
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