It was HOT even yesterday morning when I opened the door. Well, not really, but about 54 instead of 44 which is muy importante as the day wears on. That cool air in the morning cools off the house and makes afternoons tolerable - at least for me.
By lunchtime, with a group of friends, we were positioning big outdoor umbrellas over our table to keep the sun and heat at bay. Our waiter commented that it would rain later in the afternoon. We all scanned the royal blue sky and nary a cloud was in sight. We were high up and could see in all directions. Nope not a cloud. We all sincerely doubted that he knew what he was talking about.
So, I giggled last evening about 6PM, when thunder started, the wind picked up and after an hour or so of that, it RAINED. Blessed rain.
Not only are the flowers looking happy this morning, I have a gaggle of hummingbirds zooming throughout the gardens. Not a bad way to start another beautiful day in paradise.
I love the new photo of you. Hoping we will get rain here in AZ.
I too love the new happy looking!
Looking for a long soaking rain up here too .....supposedly sometime Wednesday. It's wildfire season and everything is still freeze dried from winter!!
Good grief...I'm way behind but then you run fast. Catching up and I take it have been blogging. I just ain't been lookin'.
Chrissy - while doing lots of design work in Az back in the 90's, I thought who in the world would live in a desert? Ha, jokes on me - we watch for the rain here EVERY year.
Chrissy and Mic - Glad ya'll like the newer photo.
Kay you are one of the busiest people I know - how you have time for it all, I have no idea........
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