My feet are deliriously happy to be barefoot or in sandals. Claustrophobic in shoes, much less socks, they are squealing with joy - as is their owner at the lack of clothing necessary at the beach. Happy is not a strong enough word, actually.
I finally figured out by inserting the chip in my camera into this laptop, that I could download photos. Geez every day is a learning experience for me.
So I've included photos of my footprints in the sand; and the view of the palms while sitting by the pool. In addition is a photo of the tray of drinks and papaya, which are prolific here, ready for anyone with a few pesos to buy. Life is so easy at the beach. I had forgotten.
One of my goals when I'm here is to find the PERFECT pina colada. Oh my, I found it last night. At Senor Froy's. It wasn't in a glass - more like a bowl and sooooooo smooth. It's a good thing I was with my friends Ron and Fred cause one of those was more then enough.
So, the evening ended on a happy note with us singing and walking down the dirt road back to our bungalows. The last photo was the beginning of the sunset.
Hope you enjoy! Wish you were here! Well, you COULD be..........
How sad, that you already found the perfect pina colada. I would have expected you to continue the search for at least another month or two....
Well Tancho - in the interest of research, I'll have to try more to make SURE it IS the perfect one.
Sounds like fun!
We will be , in the near future, hitting the coast also.
The question will be how far up the coast to go. Then we will work our way back here.
You will have to let us know where you are staying so we will know the place to go.
But dont post it yet, or the paparazzi will be all over you!
Great the one of the tray.
no, i CAN'T be there at this time although i sure wish i could be. i'm already tired of the rain, but as i recently said, life is good so i'm not complaining. in an hour i go to the airport to pick up my younger son and the older one ended up staying an extra day so he could spend some time with his brother. tomorrow it will be sons, their girlfriends and this very happy mom hitting seattle to see avatar at the imax theater and the show "bodies" if all agree to go to that. not too crazy about seeing dead people but in the interest of science, it should be, i guess interesting, can't think of another word.
enjoy a pina colada for me will you?
Fun amiga - just catching up on your current location - Steve's place away from home. What kinds of temps (day and night)- it is a sunny morning here - but we have had a lot of rain and gloomy days - yes, wish we were there ;-)
Weather is absolutely perfect - a little oercast a couple of days. I'm sleepiing iwthout a fan or a/c and it's about 76 in the room at night and cooler outside. In the low 80's during the day.
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