Saturday, January 02, 2010


I'm in Melaque. So far I've dealt with a room on the road that has two bars with loud music that played til 5:42AM this mornng; my cell phone has no service and there is a new baby coming any minute; and a cold shower this morning.

I did start laughing.......I NEED to adapt. I'm in Mexico........i'm at the beach.
I've taken off the watch, shoes, and I'm just going to chill.......and probably siesta multiple times as it seems to be quieter during the day!

Life is a trip..........even when you don't expect it to be!


CrisP said...

mr. cotton will be there soon so i am sure the 2 of you will get to meet and he can show you around. we got together with him on wed. on the way back from eugene. it was great seeing him. wish i could be at the beach instead of rainy lake stevens but life is good so no complaints here. hope you got my new year's update with pix of my trip and my family. sometimes when i send mass e-mails and don't hear back from too many people, i wonder whether or not everyone received them.

have a wonderful time at the beach and a very happy new year!


p.s. don't know why this is showing up as my son's account.

Steve Cotton said...

Welcome to my neighborhood -- where every day is a delightful adventure in camping.

Michael Dickson said...

Could have been worse. The music could have lasted till 5:43 a.m.

Travel with silicon earplugs. I do. They work great.

sparks_mex said...

Ah ... if I'd known. Got some great "buds" in Melaque from SMA that would be fun to hang with and make suggestions.

Say Hi to my old home town ... and I'm sure a cold shower feels better there than here is the Lake Chapala area

Charles said...

Your new found happiness shows through brightly in your blogs - congrats! You will love the beach - just don't forget you're still in Mexico - now more so than SMA. I have taken your advice on not living in PV year-round to heart - now thinking of relocating to the Guadalajara area (outskirts) - we'll see where life takes me. And the beach will only be 4+ hours away! Hope 2010 brings much love, health, luck, and happiness.

Calypso said...

Life is a trip especially in Mexico amiga.

Babs said...

I FOUND my earplugs! Yee Ha.....

Tancho said...

Mexicans just love noise. Any kind of noise, they are not choosy. Nice to know you found your noise could be worse. The walls could be vibrating to the beat.....
Enjoy your change of locale.

Sam and Bob said...

Enjoy your trip. We arrived in SMA yesterday and it was cold and rainy...same this morning.

And yes, I agree with the silicon ear plugs...they are a live saver and sleep saver.