For those of you who keep up with the "Gypsy Kids", here's the latest! They are still firmly ensconced in Colorado. They are loving every minute as they now have the "bear can" trailer and can head up into the mountains with Mati and Dusty the dog. They've named the little metal trailer "bear can" because there are bear claw marks on the outside of the frame. (The thought sends chills up my spine).
For those of you who haven't followed this blog for long, the "Gypsy Kids" are my son, daughter-in-law and newest granddaughter, Matilda. That's who is in the great photos above.
Life goes on. All are in high alert for the upcoming birth of Matilda's baby brother in early January.
The fairtrade dot com gift company, www.mountainavenue.com is doing great. Gift orders for the holidays are coming in and Son is busy, busy overseeing the growth of the company. Dauther-in-law is busy trying to keep it all and everyone together as only wives and mothers can do.
Mati, short for Matilda is growing leaps and bounds. Talking up a storm and still "signing" all her words, in addition to talking. Brilliant.
Our latest addition is a webcam to the mix, so I can play patty cake and read books to her. And she can say to me, "I love you Gammy" or "patty cake" or whatever and I am totally delighted and enthralled. Technology at its best.
I marvel that the "Gypsy Kids" can be so far away and yet right here in my house with this wonderful gadget. Oh my, who could have ever imagined such a wonderful gift for families who are separated by geography?
The rest of the family is in the process of getting set up on webcams too so we can have "family gatherings". Isn't that amazing?
As a Mom and Grammy, I'm beyond thrilled!
You are a very cool Grammy!
Thanks so much! My little grandson is due any minute and I will now add a web cam to my list of goodies to take to Mexico when we move next spring.
Mati is an absolute angel. You are all so blessed.
Take care of that falling business, Babs. We have to be extra vigilant anymore. I loose it every once in a while too.
Are you the "Deb" who I know from San Miguel and Houston?
Maria Luz - haven't heard from you in a while - good to see you again.
Congrats on the new wee one on the near future horizon. Is this your first? That "falling business" isn't over yet - no more falling, but the aftermath continues......
I love all the technology that keeps us in touch with the family. Amazing what we can do now that we couldn't do 10 years ago. That Mati is a living doll. You are so lucky to have grandgirls. But the boys are pretty nice too.
I love the 21st century!
Hi Babs,
No not the same Deb you know from San Miguel and Houston...I hail from windy Arizona.
I enjoy your post.
Arizona Deb
An up-to-the-minute grammy! Lucky kid, she'll know you well.
Staying connected with High Tech is good for us gray powered set - not that thee is any gray in your camera ;-)
We just have to get set up with Webcam in Charlotte. Ken has Skype on his computer so it is possible. You've convinced me this is a must. Mati is absolutely the cutest!
Hi Babs,
Good to hear from you, too. I am always around, but believe it or not, I occasionally keep my big bazoo shut. I do enjoy reading your blog and do so almost daily, as I do Felipe's and Steve's.
Yes, Little Zachary will be my first and only, and possibly will be my last considering the high price of peanuts these days.
Again, our Aries signs must have crossed into Mars. I have a 1 1/4" healing scar on the side of my nose from a recent run in with a doctor's scalpel.
It is all the result of my foolish run ins with the sun over the years. BABY BOOMERS TAKE NOTE: if it looks weird, even though it remains tiny, less than 4mm, get the darn thing removed and biopsied. Don't wait until it is the size of a pencil eraser. This one gradually popped up a couple of years ago, was skin toned, and just sat there until just recently. It then started to rise a tiny, tiny bit. It spread 3/4 of an inch under the dermal layers, TOTALLY without any indication of it's presence. Luckily it was only basal cell carcinoma, but could have spread into the cartilage and the damage would have been horrible.
OK. That is my public my public service announcement for the day.
Babs, I don't know if your doctor told you, but put a petroleum based, antibiotic ointment on it twice daily and the scarring will be reduced greatly. My dermatologist has one compounded, but it is essentially a lot like neosporin or bacitracin, or triple antibiotic stuff they sell everywhere. Apply it very lightly twice a day like a religion. I started applying it with a Q-tip and have now graduated to my scrupulously clean pinky for application.
Please take care and get some of those rubbery grid mats for under your rugs. I do hope you have not thrown all of them to the wolves - they are so beautiful. The grids really work (I have used one in my kitchen for years) and I am already stockpiling them for our move down there.
Maybe your son should call theirs a web-can to go with the bear-can.
The technology is truly amazing--between computers cameras, skype, and vonage we can reach the world from anywhere we are.
Mati is so adorable--I'm sure her new baby brother will be too!
Hope your face is healing well.
Take care!
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