Since some of my fellow bloggers have been changing their identity photo on their blogs, maybe I should do the same. I'm not sure why they have chosen photos in their teens. I looked at my teen photos in felt skirts with poofy starched petticoats and others in pedal pushers and decided I actually like myself better at age 2.
So, keep it "as is" or go for the change............Any comments?
Teens? My new photo is me at 30. It must be that hombre up in the mountains who fits the teen description.
By the way. If you chose to use that "drivin' down the road" photograph, it would be great with me. Some spirits never age. In my case, they never mature.
Teens would be a stretch in the case of my photo. Though literally so because I was 19, I was in the Air Force, not high school.
Photos of our teen years (in our generation) are kinder to the boys than the girls.
I changed mine for a variety of reasons, and I regretted doing so because I liked the old photo quite a bit. However, I had become more and more concerned about being recognizable in this increasingly troubled land. There are only two Gringos in my neck of the woods. It would have been easy to locate me. Probably still is, but far less so due to other changes I made.
Also negative (but true) things I occasionally write about my chaotic Mexican relatives worried me because I thought they might get wind of it. They would not recognize me at 19.
You, on the other hand, live where there is a Gringo on every block, plus there are lots of beautiful Gringa babes in San Miguel. I would not worry about it. And you have no Mexican relatives, and if you did you'd probably speak well of them because they would have fooled you into thinking how sweet and nice and polite and generous and trustworthy they always are.
I think the photo you now have is great.
What is that car you´re in: A Model-T?
How about an Update photo...You, now that you're 32 lbs lighter.
Or a photo "in Situ" ...you in Mexico today.
Charley in HoustonTX
Steve you look like you're about 18 in that photo - no way you were 30.And Miguelito - you always make my day! I LOVED your old photo, not sure I could have recognized you from that....but the new one reminds me of James Dean every time I look at it. The "Blackboard Jungle" look.
You would be amazed how man "gringoes and gringas" have left San Miguel......I really don't get that involved in that world anyway. I tend to "live" in my own little world. I like it that way.......
I have no idea what kind of car that was......but it sure had a shine on it - you can see the gas tanks in the side of the car.
Miguelito started this photo change thing out of a concern for being identified - not a problem here so I stick with a more current photo.
Like Steve I like your current photo - but the one at two is quite similar - you haven't changed a lot ;-)
I am past identifying you with a photo - so whatever works - works for me ;-)
I absolutely hate this new trend of using old pictures in the profile. Although I understand why a few people have chosen to do it. Hey, I even took my picture totally off for awhile. Do what you feel is best, but I would hate to not be able to look at your current friendly face every day.
Well Wayne, I'm not changing mine and I LOVE yours in the sombrero. It makes me giggle every time I look at it........
And Calypso, yours is kinda shadowy so I don't know if I would know you if I was in your town or not! Especially in that Indiana Jones hat, which I love.
I'm for a current photo, but changing them occasionally is a good idea.
I like your current photo. My photo is a bit thinner than I am today. The pic is a few years old. So... keep the pretty but realistic photo.
Yep, that's you...looking on down the road. Probably yelling bano, bano even at that early age. Be aware, The Man, never take this woman through the mountains.
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