I had to "threaten" with bodily harm the guy with the hat on if I didn't get some pictures of the newest addition to the family. He finally came through last night with these three photos. Can you believe she's grown this much since the last photos in August?

I laughed and grinned at this photo cause this was her "dress up" outfit that she wore to go see the Preservation Hall Jazz Band in Ft. Collins on her Mom and Dad's first wedding anniversary.
I laughed cause it reminds me of some of my New Orleans outfits at Mardi Gras - nuf said!

And then there is this precious one of Matilda and Mom that I have now enlarged, printed and added to the shelf of family photos. Adorable, don't you think?

What a happy baby - I can hardly wait to see her at Christmas and get down on the floor and play with her like I have the other five! The "gypsy kids" are permanently (for the moment) in Ft Collins, Colo. Life is good!
That baby is beautiful! Great looking family and everyone looks so happy.
Why does your Gringo family look real nice like that, and mine is the Addams family?
Oh, Matilda is adorable. But of course, so are her parents.....and grandmother.
A "Gerber" baby for sure...adorable. Somehow I think she looks like what you must have looked like as a baby...I definitely see a resemblance to the Eckrote clan!
What a little cutie she is!
Thanks everyone for the compliments! The one thing I did right in life was have beautiful babies and children......and they are as kind inside as out, which to me is even more important!
Matilda just seems to grin ALLLLL the time - thankfully. Having a good first baby makes life easier. I can attest to - it makes you want to have more! Ha.
Thanks for bringin' the young one to see PHJB! Get 'em started early, we say. :)
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