I blogged earlier about "running into" the Gypsy Kids in Houston in a swimming pool........and I did - at my daughter Julie's house! The "kids" left San Miguel while I was in Chiapas and headed NOB to take care of business, sell stuff, find a trailer and take off on their adventure. Well, it took a little longer then anticipated and they didn't leave for the "great adventure" until the 22nd of July...........no trailer, but a tent and a Nissan X-Terra. What fun!

Here's Lisa standing outside the tent next to a lake that she said was so beautiful - where it is I have no idea - it could be Ardmore, Okla. or somewhere in Kansas where they stayed in state park...........

Here's Baby Matilda sleeping on the picnic table "somewhere" and the black mound beyond her is Dusty, the great black lab...........darn, I had a cute picture of Dusty in the back seat of the car and it didn't upload - so just take my word for it...........please!

This picture makes me laugh, because I can tell that John is trying to figure something out.......what, who knows? But, he is in his element and I can assure you he figured it out. When I talked to them last Saturday night, they were so excited and enthusiastic about how much fun they are having traveling. They had been to Wyoming, and Boulder, and stayed in a national park in Colorado that was chock-a-block full of families.............but they are loving it.

I asked how Dusty and Matilda are handling all the change and with a chuckle they laughed and said that both Dusty and Matilda have fun when they are out of the car but when in the car, they immediately go to sleep...............how great is that?
So, "the plan" as of last Saturday was that they might buy a camper they found in Colorado Springs used and head to Portland or Seattle..........but, somehow I don't think that's where they WILL end up.
I admire their spunk, their sense of adventure, their ability to live life one day at a time and to live it ALL to the fullest. I told them twenty years from now they'll look back on all of this and laugh and shake their heads at themselves...........or maybe not!
After listening to Charles Kuralt On the Road, which I'll write about tomorrow, I'm glad they're having this fun adventure as they ALL start their lives together in a new place...........wherever that happens to be!
Glad you are back, missed your posts.
Mathilda is so gorgeous! That baby is eating well. I just love baby rolls.
Thanks Brenda and Billie - I love what my maid Josefina says when she sees a picture of Matilda, "Ahhh, muy precioso".....
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