Another surprising "environment" is the home of Anado and Richard bought in 2001 for nearly WAS a plain house - it too is a "work in progress". Their vision has created a marvel.

Traveling out of town for about 8 miles in a different direction from Timmyland, you turn off the "paved" road onto a dirt road around the church in the village of Cieneguita. As you traverse up the hill, the spire of the house comes into view. WOW - another surreal place to see!

Everywhere you look is something to see, be it in the garden, on the buildings or the fountains you pass on your way to the entrance. A delight. The house is called Casa de Las Ranas - the House of the Frogs - why, I don't know............

Anado is a master artist and collage/assemblage creator and works daily on his extraordinary creations with his assistant/collaborator, Carlos, a local Chichimeca Indian. Carlos' magical creations in tile can be see all over the property. Anado's work is sought after by collectors worldwide. Each is truly "one of a kind"!

Color is everywhere and quirky things catch your eye and make you giggle...........everywhere! What a happy place to see.

This is another of the unusual, surreal sites that the tour group will see in August - you're getting a preview!
Almost like Gaudi fueled by tacos.
I sure hope these places will be on the BB tours! I loved Las Pozas and could spend hours in these two places!
If it works out for ya'll to come here Wayne, I'll make sure these and a couple of others in this area are on the "path of enlightenment"........ha
LOVE your comment Steve - I'm going to tell Anado - he'll love it!
Wow,how fascinating.
I could probably live there....
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