Saturday, September 22, 2007


John and Lisa were married on the beach in Galveston, Texas on Friday, September 21, 2007.I took this picture the first night that I met Lisa. I have NEVER before done that with a new friend of John's but at the time, I KNEW, somehow I KNEW this was the one! She is adorable, spunky and perfect for John. She loves the symphony and she loves hiking - perfect for John.
I took this picture with me to Texas in June and showed it around - again something I had never done before...............little did I know that my new grandchild was being created. I'm so thrilled for John to have a life partner and soulmate and I'm thrilled that I have a new daughter. What joy they have ahead of them in their lives. I'm beside myself that they are going to be living in San Miguel and I will have a little granddaughter to enjoy again as I did all of the others!
Isn't life amazing?

4 comments: said...

OMG...I am so happy. So they were getting married while we were kibbitzing about life and such. Life is just such a trip. Loved your visit although much too brief.

Gypsy Girl said...

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. I know how wonderful it is to have a great family. And to have them living in SMA cool is that!!! ENJOY!!
Glad to have you back blogging...missed your posts

Cynthia said...

Wonderful news!

What a beautiful family you have. I have read top to bottom tonight and enjoyed every word and picture.

Babs said...

Thanks all! GOOD NEWS is great isn't it?